Thursday, September 3, 2015

Have you done the dishes lately?

Photo Credit: Kaan Tanriover 

“but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”—Mathew 6:15 (ESV)

The dishwasher in our house is broken. There were times we had to try to run dishes through the wash twice to get all of the junk off them (to no avail). It eventually got so bad we called a technician in last week and are still waiting on a part. As a result, our kitchen sink is often piled with dirty silverware, glasses, sippy cups, bowls and dishes. Last week, we even purchased paper plates to reduce the amount of dishes we had to wash by hand. Even with paper plates, it is amazing how much ends up in the sink. We need to wash the dishes daily to keep the amount manageable. If we did not wash them regularly, I do not want to think about how terrible it would get. There would be no room in the sink to wash our hands, to rinse items, to wet a rag, or even to get a drink of water. Not only the sink, a good portion of our kitchen counters would be filled. The dirty dishes can render the sink (and counters) useless. If they were to remain a significant time, it would begin to smell and flies would fester, making it even worse.

This makes me think about the sin in our lives and all of the “dirty dishes” in our sink. For a moment with me, think of all of the times where people have lied to you. Imagine those times where people have stolen from you as glasses. Times where people have gossiped about you as plates….I think you get the picture. We would need a giant sink to fit them all. The reality is, we do not have a big enough sink. So what needs to happen?

We need to wash the dishes….we need to get rid of the stains, the smells and the stink so we can use the sink again.  We need to exercise forgiveness. You might say, Pastor Mike…you do not know what they did! Agreed, I do not know what they did, yet we still need to forgive them. This is the plan and the will of God for us, as it says above, we need to forgive. 

1. I need to forgive….because it is the command of God

I could end the blog with this point here. The scripture above is very clear God wants us to forgive those who have done us wrong in the past, present, and future. While it is a command of God, it does not make it easy for us to do. Some people have serious grievances, not simply a candy bar or a pencil stolen. They dealing with the loss of loved ones, spousal infidelity, abuse, something done to their children, etc. I do not want to minimize their pain. Despite this, we all have the same command to forgive. We can see a similar command following the parable of the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18:21-35. God wants us to forgive.

2. Forgiving demonstrates an understanding of God’s love.

We may think, well, the sins I committed are not too bad. And I have not (insert a sin here), while others have. We may compare ourselves to Hitler, Houssein, Amin and think, not so bad after all. The reality is, all of us deserve death. No exceptions. Even the smallest infraction against God is a sin, and therefore is deserving of death.
This is not the end of the story of course. A beautiful piece of scripture is Romans 5:8 which says, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (ESV). I cannot speak for you, however when I analyze and look at my life, I know I am a sinner. I am saved however by grace. I am experiencing forgiveness for my sins because of what Christ did on the cross. I hope you have found the same grace at the cross (or will) as well. If we truly have experienced such a great forgiveness, refusing to pardon someone who wronged us is an insult to the cross. Failing to extend forgiveness demonstrates we have not truly understood what Jesus did for us.

3. Forgiving allows for God’s justice

God is perfect. God is loving. God is forgiving. God is just. Take a moment and let this sink in, especially the last one. To seek revenge is short-sighted. God will judge in the end and his ruling will be complete. When we forgive an individual, we certainly take the costly pain of forgiveness, yet we allow for something greater to happen: we allow God to avenge us. Romans 12:19 says, “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord” (ESV). Please do not view this point as an opportunity to get revenge. God is not going to let injustice go unpunished and we should allow God his right. We forgive and we allow God to have the final word on our behalf.

What if I cannot forgive?

We need to make the effort and not give up. Do not say I will never forgive x. Pray for God to work in your heart to extend forgiveness. Pray for the person who wronged you. Pray for grace and the strength to forgive. Thank God for the forgiveness he gave to you at the cross.

One final thought

Forgiveness does not equal reconciliation.  While we may extend forgiveness,  it does not mean we immediately trust. We may forgive someone and still experience hurt. We may forgive and not be able to reconcile. When sin enters into the picture there is fallout, there is damage. Sometimes this damage can be repaired, with help from God. For instance, we can forgive someone for stealing from us and we probably will not give them our life’s savings in cash.  God can work wonders through is power, love and grace.

What about you? When was the last time you did the dishes?

The points and ideas I have expressed here come from Pastor John Piper in his Ask Pastor John post. To see his interview, or to read a transcript go to

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Stop it!

Photo Credit: Mihailo Radicevic

Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her. Luke 10:38-42 (ESV)

Life is often measured in productivity and efficiency. The productivity model transcends into all areas of life. On a sports team, one of the most valued abilities in a player is their availability. While one might be the most talented player on the team, the team cannot benefit much if they only play two out of eight or ten games. Similarly, in businesses world we apply this principle. The “no-shows,” the chronically late and chronically sick can be detrimental to company performance and morale. While we recognize this in the “business world,” do we apply the same principles in our family and spiritual life? Unfortunately all too often we shoot ourselves in the foot! We need to STOP it. Christ is much more important than our business, Christ should be the center of our lives. For the next few moments, let us investigate three areas where we limit our effectiveness and what we can do about it.

Problem 1: We limit our effectiveness because we are overdoing it.

How many times in our lives do we over extend ourselves. There are times around the house where I help pick up and sometimes clean. I am not very good because I am a scatterbrained cleaner. I will pick up a few items in one room, put them in their proper place in another room, then start to pick up objects in the new room. I can keep on doing the “easy” items for a while and when someone comes to look and see the progress, there is not much of one because I have only done a little in a large amount of rooms.
We overestimate how much we can get done. Oh I can get one more thing done…and another one…finding ourselves late. We often have an excuse: our best friend asked us to do it, the pastor asked us to do it, it is for a good cause. So it is ok, right? Our culture tells us we can do everything and we need to do everything, yet this is not how God designed life. When God created Adam he said it was not good for him to be alone so he created a helpmate for him. He created males and females to complement each other. We on our own are not enough. God wants us to lean on one another, and more importantly to cling to him! We cannot be “Hans Brinker” trying to plug all of the leaks in the dike of the world. We have a limited number of fingers and a seemingly unlimited number of holes. There always will be more to do. There are times where we do not get everything done. Do not fall in to a trap of doubling our efforts thinking it was a failure on our end. If I had better time management, I could have accomplished all the tasks. There may be times where this is true, however try to have a realistic outlook on what can be done.

What can I do about it? 

To be effective as Christians, we need to love Christ, and others while acting wisely. It is better to do a few tasks well opposed to being on everything and being so exhausted we can only give a maximum of a 50-75% effort. I am not talking about simply being under the weather rather we do not have our hearts invested in it. We may have a few areas we are especially passionate in, invest in those areas and hit them full throttle. Do not pick everything. If you have a number of interests switch off….say I can only commit to once a week or once a month.  For those you cannot, let 
others step in, recommend others for the opportunity (with their permission) and let God handle it.

Problem 2:  We limit our effectiveness because of a false sense of time.

I have heard at times of retirees being busier than while they were working as they agree to all of those opportunities they once denied. I have also heard of retirees holding off on traveling because they felt they had all the time in the world to do it. Some of these couples later regret their decisions as they find health problems progress quicker than they hoped thus having to give up.
Jesus gives some words to those who wanted to follow, and his instruction was to go now. Not to wait. Luke 9:59-60 says, “To another he said, “Follow me.” But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” And Jesus said to him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God” (ESV). When you look further into this text, it seems to be more he is waiting for his parents to pass, wanting to fulfill his obligation to take care of his family.
There are countless opportunities and tasks we think we can get done later and certainly there are some we can put off. Perhaps cleaning the basement does not need to be done this moment, however feeding our children cannot really wait. What about in our christian lives? Volunteering at the mission can wait, our prayer and scripture life cannot. It is our lifeblood.
We tell ourselves lies regarding time. When I have “more time”….I will get my prayer life on track….I will start my new devotional…I will read scripture with my kids. It does not work this way. The only way we have time is if we make time. If we are not growing, we potentially are dying on the vine. We are missing a deeper intimacy with God. We at times say these phrases knowing we want them and we value them, albeit not enough. Perhaps we remember times where our devotions were more regular and we enjoyed a fruitful relationship. We need to return to it. We can also be confident God will reward the time we spend with him in our lives. We will not always have time “later” because at some point, the time the Lord ordained for us will be over and we will not be able to buy more time on this earth.

What can I do about it?

For some, this may be one of our harder fixes. Why? We may not think anything is wrong. We need to re-evaluate our priorities. I heard it said from a number of places we need to live with a God first, others second, me third mentality. Some may look at this and say, those are my priorities? If we charted how much time we spent in the average week on those activities, how would it come out? We may not like the answer. If we need an adjustment...Set a time with God by yourself. Give God the "first fruits" by getting up early....have breakfast with God. Give the first few minutes of your lunch break with God and have a mid-day check in. Talk with him in the car while traveling. We can do it.
We need to prioritize our relationship with God and let the first relationship overflow into the others. Some of these do not need to be mutually exclusive. Spend time in prayer with your spouse, with your kids. Charles Spurgeon says, “To pray is to enter the treasure-house of God and to gather riches out of an inexhaustible storehouse.” We often want more, more time, more resources…if we go to God perhaps we will be joyful and content with less when we find our satisfaction in him. He may also open up his storehouses to us if it is in his will.

Problem 3: We limit our effectiveness because we are not fully invested in the moment.

There are a plethora of distractions available in our world. In a large sense, the traditional 9-5 jobs are becoming extinct. Some might say, no they are not. Why would I make such a claim? I would argue technology and profits have changed our job landscape. With cellphones we can be contacted at any time. It does not matter on day or night. Smart phones connect us with our e-mail while we are away from work. We may be moving from New York City as the "city which never sleeps" to a country which never sleeps.
We may always think there is always a task to be accomplished and we miss the present. Looking back to the scripture above, we see Mary investing in her relationship with Jesus and Martha is upset over Mary leaving her with all of the work. Martha has a point. She has worried and begun distracted from the moment and the importance of what was happening before her. How many times do we act in a similar fashion? At times we are too self-centered and not others-centered. My boys are playing and I am on the computer, phone or the television? I could be reading with a book or wrestling with them.  I am “present” yet not really interacting.

What can I do about it?

What about you? What is your major distraction? Name it. Call it out. If you cannot identify one, ask your spouse or a trusted friend. After identifying them, we need to learn to manage the distractions in our lives, if not eradicate them completely. My biggest distraction is technology. I need to put my cell phone and computer away.  If we cannot eliminate the distraction completely, we MUST set limits. Farmers place animals in fences to keep the animals in, as well as to keep others out, right? Fences can serve two purposes. We may want to think of our limits as fences. The benefit of a fence is it keeps those animals in order, yet it comes with a is harder to get in. This is not a cost in terms of distraction, rather a benefit.  What does a "distraction fence" look like? For me, it could be placing my phone in a central location of the house in a high place where I can hear it for emergencies and commit to only checking e-mail/voicemail a certain time for a specified time. We also can turn our distraction to God. We can pray about it and leave it in God’s hands.

Follow Up

What do you think? What is limiting your effectiveness as a Christian? Are you trying to do too much? Do you have your priorities mixed up? What is distracting you?

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Defining the Relationship

Photo Credit: Jonathan Paquette

14 “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:14-15 (ESV)

Early in our relationship, Krystal and I discussed our desires, compatibility and the viability of a long-term relationship together. We did not want to proceed without a potential future. A couple of years ago I was introduced to the abbreviation DTR - “define the relationship” - in Kyle Idleman’s book, Not a Fan. Krys and I did this without even knowing the term. Idleman talks of defining our relationship with God.  As the passage above in Joshua tells us, we must choose what god we will serve. I pray we all choose the Triune God of Father/Son/Holy Spirit. Some might ask the question, “Why should I define the relationship?” I would like to offer three reasons why we should define our relationship with God. 

1. Defining the relationship signifies exclusivity.

In today’s culture we live in an age where we like options. We want to have a no strings attached relationship in case it does not work out. In a study by Pamela J. Smock of The University of Michigan found “Between 1995 and 2006 to 2010, first-time cohabitation jumped by 43 percent for white women, 57 percent for Hispanic women and 39 percent for black women. Only Asian women stayed the same, with about 22 percent cohabiting during both time periods.” Some couples decide to cohabitate as a test ride before making a commitment. Some couples may make a loose agreement, an “open marriage” rubber-stamping their approval for their spouse to have sexual relations with others. For us as Christians, however this is not a viable option. God ordains marriage as a sacred covenant between one man and one woman.

When we define our status as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are committing to him. A common line in traditional marriage vows includes the phrase “forsaking all others” Merriam-Webster dictionary defines forsake as “giving up or leaving (someone or something) entirely.” There is no going back. This is not like when I go to a restaurant and they do not have Coke Zero, so I order a Diet Coke or a Diet Pepsi. It is not whimsical or “fair-weather.” Choosing Christ means nothing else. 

The passage above says to serve him in sincerity. What does sincerity mean to you? In a relationship context, I see it as being authentic. We remember the television episodes where someone mixes up their days and ends up with two dates on the same night. How does such an episode end? Generally we as the audience we have laughter and the protagonist ends up with two upset dates. We do not want to be second place, and neither does God.

2. Defining the relationship establishes security.

For a moment, take an inventory of who has keys to your house. Is it a high number or a low number? My guess is you have a set, your spouse has a set, your kids (if they are old enough/responsible enough may have one) and you have an emergency key with either a neighbor or a hidden place around your house. We do not give a set of keys to our house to anyone we meet on the street. Why? We do not know if they are trustworthy. Giving someone a set of keys to your house signifies a certain level of trust. Well who do we give the keys to our heart, which is vastly more important?

We need to give the keys to our heart to God, no exceptions. There certainly is fear in this action and yet our calling is to trust. Remember Peter walking on the water? Want proof of God’s continued faithfulness? He was faithful to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was faithful to the Israelites, to David, to the early church and he never changes. Deuteronomy 31:6 says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (ESV). Often we do not want to commit to someone or something because of fear they will let us down. With God, this fear is unwarranted. God is faithful to us despite our unfaithfulness to him.

In choosing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are allowing him into every area of our lives without exception. Jesus knows our every wart, fault and thought, still loving us. As Charlotte Elliot writes in the classic hymn Just as I Am,
“Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.”
Knowing us intimately, he calls us to himself. His love and his justice sent down Jesus to die for us. He loved us more than he loved himself. If this does not mean security, what does? We have security in our relationship with Christ.

3. Defining the relationship looks to the future.

Unfortunately, in life there is a lack of permanence. A quotation going back to Benjamin Franklin says, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.” We have certainty in this world; the certainty is God. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (ESV). God does not change. God is not changing his mind. God is not going to “renege” on us. He showed his commitment through Jesus Christ. He stuck with the “adulterous” nation of Israel. God loves with a steadfast love opposed to a conditional love we at times employ.

We do not need to fear God leaving us unless we give up on him. Billy Graham says, “God doesn’t give up on us until we give up on Him. Only when we repeatedly turn our backs on Him and stubbornly refuse His offer of forgiveness will He finally let us go.” When we define our relationship, and commit to Christ, we are saying we are going to do this. We can do it, albeit not under our own power rather under his power and his grace through the Holy Spirit. There is a promised future of salvation for those in Christ.

How do we move into such a future? A relationship does not go anywhere without work.  God wants to cultivate a relationship with us and we need to be committed to it DAILY. I have three young boys (and a daughter on the way) I have to (and need to more) dedicate time with them whether it be playing, praying, talking or teaching. I need to love them. I need to show them they are special with my actions and if I do not, I will miss a deeper intimacy with them. I do not want them to say, “Dad was not there for me when I was young.” I want a relationship. If I do not work at it, I will blink my eyes and they will be 31 with their own kids, and some opportunity lost. Do miss the time with our savior either. Make time for him. Go on “dates,” talk with him. If we do this, we will find ourselves fulfilled, satisfied and dedicated to the future we have with God.

Have you defined your relationship with Christ? Do you see the benefits of defining the relationship? Perhaps we have fallen away and need to re-establish a relationship. If we do define our relationship, we will find comfort, security and a wonderful future.

What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Photo Credit: Katherine Evans 

For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.  And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.—Romans 8:22-25 (ESV)

Life changes rapidly in a year. Countries go from peace to war. A newborn goes from being largely immobile to getting into everything. They transition from sitting and rolling over, to crawling, standing walking, and in some cases, running. We look at the pictures of our children on the first and last days of school and see change. Our jobs responsibilities may change along with our co-workers. The grocery stores at times shuffle their aisles and change (I hear the new Canton Hy-Vee design is nice).

While life certainly changes rapidly in some aspects, others demonstrate little change. On April 6, I became a year older; I do not feel any different. Many of our laws remain the same. We still drive the same cars, the same ways to work (unless IL-116 is under construction for the Peoria commuters). Many churches too have reputations for little change. There may be a few new faces, a few new songs; however, the majority is the same.

 It was about this time last year when our family was driving on vacation for a trip to Michigan. Around Chicago, we tuned into the radio station and the topic of the day was the case regarding the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. In a matter of days police reform, racism, and gun control became buzzwords and hot topics, and to some extent still are. We read (and heard) legitimate stories from both sides. One from a mother with a young African American son who instructed him to keep his driver’s license and insurance information easily accessible in the event they were pulled over. She did not want the cop suspecting her son of carrying a gun while opening the glove compartment. From the perspective of the officer, they have a split second to make a decision, which can mean life or death for them and whether they return home to their families.

Oh my. Does a year change anything, or not? Talk. Shouting. Outrage. Where is the change? While we have seen police brutality in New York and Baltimore, we have also seen 19 law enforcement officers killed through gunfire. Forgive us, Lord. We have fallen short. All of these lives matter. All lives matter to God. All lives SHOULD matter to us. Whether we are black or white, male or female, in the womb or out of the womb, young or old, God created us.

The passage from Romans declares the world groaning from childbirth. While sin’s foothold is in this world, we know it is temporary God is still at work and we must wait patiently. Our first call as Christians is to remember where we find our hope. Our hope is not in family, our friends, neighbors, or ourselves, our government or its agencies. Our hope is in God, a mellifluous promise. Jesus’ resurrection defeated sin and death. Jesus stands ready to deliver at the anointed time. As we await this final blow, let us consider how we work for change in this world. The love of Christ compels us to advocate for our fellow human beings who have little voice or no voice.
Let us hope for what we do not currently see. Let us work towards wholeness and grace. Let us have discussions on how we can attack the issues rather than attacking each other. We must love our neighbor as ourselves. What does this mean for you? What does it mean for me?

Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Commas and Periods in Life

“Wise people think before they act; fools don’t—and even brag about their foolishness. An unreliable messenger stumbles into trouble, but a reliable messenger brings healing.” --Proverbs 16:17

There was a picture going around Facebook with the following story, “If I offered you $100,000 to jump out of a plane without a parachute, would you do it? I bet you said NO! But what if I told you the plane was on the ground?...Moral of the story; know all the facts before you open your mouth.”

In our lives, information travels at light speed. We see news stories spread to millions within a few seconds sometimes these stories come so fast the facts come later and the story needs to be altered. Gossip and rumors also spread like wildfire in small towns as well as big cities. Perhaps you have seen this happen in the greater Fairview area. This too is unfortunate because it destroys reputations and it exposes individuals to ridicule and condemnation, which may or may not be true. Regardless of whether a rumor is true or not, it is still not anything to be sharing. The truth is many times we can avoid these situations. How do we do this? We do not get involved in such a situation, we may confront the situation and say, “Did he/she tell you this personally?” Maybe we should stop to think!

At the end of the majority of sentences we place a period. At times in our grammar, we place a comma to continue a sentence or to separate a phrase. When I read this scripture about thinking before acting, it makes me think of punctuation in my life. There are times where a coma is appropriate and necessary. For instance perhaps you are feuding with your spouse or disciplining our children. Taking a break or inserting a comma, can greatly change the situation the break the few seconds can give us a new perspective and allow us to proceed with less emotion and fire. Perhaps we may need to insert a period as well. Taking the time to think, pausing, and ultimately deciding to end the conversation or situation altogether.

God wants us to act wisely and at times, this may mean we need to use a comma or a period in our lives. This way we do not stumble, fall or bring shame to ourselves or worse, to Christ.

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Power of Words

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29 (ESV)

Talking. Talking is something that we do from the earliest stages of our lives. Babies begin to “babble” and mimic what you are saying. Words such as “Da Da,” “Ma Ma”, “NO”, and “Ball” are formed. And as a parent sometimes you fear that you may catch your child repeating a word or a phrase that we did not intend for them to hear. We all have probably done it at some point, caught a child emulating that very behavior and then spend time explaining that it was a poor choice of words and hoping and praying that they forget such phrases quickly. But unfortunately with words, we cannot take them back. There is no rewind button or white out. We cannot gather them in again, once they leave the tips of our tongue they are gone forever and with the development of social media, the internet, and cell phones some of our finest words and not so finest words are available at a moment’s notice. They do not go away easily (or ever). 
As children we are taught the nursery rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me.” Yes, parents have told us that to help us and console us, but the reality is that words do hurt. Words can be very destructive. In the third chapter of the epistle of James, we see some examples and images of the importance of words. Words have power to heal and destroy. Some of us still may hurt from comments made about us years ago in school, or made about our bodies, or made about our children, our parenting, or our lifestyle choices. Hopefully we also take to heart the encouraging and positive words we have heard as well. 
We must be keenly aware of our tongues in our lives as Christians. Gossip. Slander. Rumor. Lies. Insults. All of these things that not only destroy individuals, but they can tear apart families and churches.  The letter to the church at Ephesus reminds us of the importance of positive words and actions. We can use this as a litmus test for whether it should be said. Is it wholesome? Is it helpful? Does it build up? Does it benefit? Alan Redgrave also offers these suggestions with the acronym “T-H-I-N-K.  Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary, is it kind?”[1] When we use these lenses and these thought processes we can certainly protect those we love and ourselves from unnecessary pain and harm as well as exalting Christ through our behavior.

 Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Photo Credit: marczini

[1] Redpath, Alan. Taken from A Passion for Preaching.  Found online at 8 July 2015. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

(Is it) Time for Change?

One of the hotbed words in today’s culture is often change, and our lives live on change. Change brings emotions; for me change can bring out fear, while for others it may bring out excitement. People change jobs, change homes, change cars, change clothing styles and hair color. Political candidates often run on platforms of change, saying that they are going to change from their predecessors. Other times change comes through major decisions, on June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States, changed the landscape of marriage for a generation. With this change, some will respond with fear, others excitement. I know that I am “late” in getting into the conversation, and I am sure that I am probably not re-inventing the wheel. More than likely, someone else has said what I am going to say in a more eloquent way. I ask nonetheless, that perhaps you give me the privilege of sharing one thought
Aside from John 3:16, one of widely recognized verses in the Bible comes from Paul’s letter to the church at Rome, which says, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” A scripture opens and cuts us! Why? We all will find ourselves in the same predicament. It is a reminder of who we are. If you were to replace the “for all have” with “Mike Holleman has” sinned, or insert your own name into the scripture it reminds us of our sin and failure. I am broken. I am guilty. I am a mess-up. I am depraved. I am deserving of death. We really, could replace any name or group of people in that picture, “Republicans have sinned…” “Democrats have sinned…” “The Church has sinned…” The painful truth is that we all are in the same predicament. Whether we want to recognize it or not, God is present. He sees us. He sees us in all of our “glory.”
All of us have sinned, are sinning and will sin in the future. Despite our best efforts to combat or curb sin, the fact is that we cannot and will not eliminate sin from our lives. Thankfully, this is not the end of the story, for God made a way for us.  Romans 5:6-8 expresses it well, “For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
This scripture brings hope. It means that sinners can saved by grace through faith. Christ died for the sinners. Does the Bible designate that only a few sins can be forgiven? NO! It says that sinners can be saved. It does not say that X sin will not be forgiven, or Y sin will not be forgiven. The only sin not forgiven is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (which is another discussion for a different time). We need to be preaching the gospel. We need to be preaching the transforming power of Christ.  
Up to this point, nothing there should shock anyone, right?  That is the story that has been the story for 2000 years. In that respect, nothing has changed. The world is populated with sinners and Jesus made a way. As Canadian pastor Carey Nieuhoff said, “The church as always been counter-cultural…and continues later saying…Being counter-cultural usually helps the church more than it hurts it.” Here is where the change needs to take place. God can and does work in the midst of every situation, whether we see it as good or bad.
Perhaps, we need to stop living too much into the culture, but attempt to be the Church. As Christians, we need to take a strong stand against ALL sins. We cannot (and should not) demonize some sins and whilst overlooking others. All lies are sin. All gossip is sin. All racism is sin. All theft is sin. All forms of sexual immorality are sin. As Christians, we cannot and should not be hypocritical picking out specific sins while neglecting the whole. We do it not in a spirit of judgment and condemnation, but in a spirit of love. We dialogue. We share. We show compassion. We help. We love. Moreover, we should do our best to proclaim that in love. We come not from a place where we are perfect, rather one where we have experienced grace and thus should extend grace as well. You have probably heard the quotation “The Church is a hospital not a museum of saints.” If the church were full of “perfect” people, no one would be there except Christ.
So in effect needs to change? I might argue is our Church. We still have the same Christ, who still offers the same love, the same grace, the same, mercy and the same forgiveness. The only necessary change is the one that we need to make in our hearts. Are we going to respond with fear or a renewed vigor for the church to stand against all sin, and to love our neighbors?
What do you think?

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Christian Aroma

This afternoon, I took one of those plug-in air fresheners and put it into one of the electrical sockets in the office. Even before turning it on, I could smell the aroma that was going to come from it. And when I plugged it in, it began to fill the office with whatever fragrance it is. I know however, that this fragrance, while initially strong, eventually, will taper off. It will be less powerful tomorrow and over the next few weeks, eventually needing to be replaced again. I also know that after a while the smell will not be so vibrant perhaps because my nose will become “desensitized” to it. Even when I eventually go to change it, there still will be a remnant of that fragrance.
As Christians, we at times can find ourselves in ruts, times where we may feel like we have distanced from God. And our faith, like the air freshener, begins to not “produce” as much as we once did. Perhaps we get distracted and pressured by the world. Perhaps some of us have gotten to the point that we are going through the motions. Remember what Christ had to say about this? Revelation 2:4-5 says, But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.  Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first.” Well what are those works we did at first? Perhaps we have neglected the key areas of scripture and prayer which is our lifeline. If we ignore prayer and scripture, we quickly become dry. 
Some of us may say, well, I don’t know what to pray. I read a quote from John Bunyan, the author of The Pilgrims Progress who said/wrote, “When you pray, rather let your heart be without words then your words without heart.” It is ok to not know what to pray, You can sit in silence during a time of prayer, let out your heart to God. If we let our hearts out to God we know that he is listening.
What about scripture reading? Start slow, pray that God would meet you in your reading and that he would give you a thirst or a longing for the scriptures. It does not need to be a long time, but something that can be developed over time.  Perhaps use a devotional or go through a book of the Bible and read a bit a day, maybe look at some devotionals and listen to Christian pastors, I recommend Alistair Begg from Truth for Life.

I hope that these thoughts keep us on the track to continuing to be pursuing God and living as Christians and producing an “aroma” that is honoring and glorifying to the Lord. 

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Going on Vacation?

A few weeks ago, we went to Michigan to celebrate my grandfather’s 90th birthday. At the party, they had their family Bible there and inside of the Bible was a crude “bulletin” that we had made as kids for our “Cottage Church” service. Enclosed in the contents was an order of worship containing “solos” by cousins, a sermon by my grandfather and aunt, among other things. We may have not been at a “church” service that day, but we certainly took time to worship, even while we were on vacation.
Now that school has let out for the summer, vacation is a time that just about everyone anticipates. We ask our eldest son, Joshua, how many days until we are going on vacation, and he proudly gives us the correct number. It is good to be excited for vacation and a time of rest is something that God has commanded as a good thing! (If you are wondering about that, I would encourage you to look at a previous blog about the Sabbath located here.) But as vacation is on our minds, and our church attendance will certainly be experiencing the “summer numbers” trend, I thought I would take a moment exhorting all of us to not take a “vacation” from God.
For most of us, vacation is a time of refreshment and renewal. It is a time to reconnect with our spouse, to spend some time catching up with family, and a time to create memories doing various things that you might not do on a regular basis, but we may need to remember an essential part of our family, and that is God, right?
Many times we find ourselves very busy and as a result we cut out things in our daily routine and often the thing that gets “axed” is the most important part of the day, and that is time spent with God. I know that in my life there have been times where I say, “I need to get back on track with God. I need to get back to (Prayer, Scripture Reading, etc) and I will do it tomorrow...and then a few days pass, a week passes, and maybe longer.
Vacation can exacerbate a problem of “spiritual dryness” by getting us out of the routine.   But the reality is that we need to develop a thirst for it. Scripture should be something that we long for, God is what we should long for. Better than McDonald’s fries, the more of God that we get the more we should want! In a time of distress, David wrote, “O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. So i have looked upon you in the sanctuary beholding your power and glory. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. So I will bless you as long as i live; in your name I will lift up my hands.” (Psalm 63:1-4)

How then should we set up our vacation for success? Here are some suggestions that I am going to try out myself:
  1. Prioritize Prayer. Perhaps the most important thing that we can do is pray. Prayer is communication with God, right? While we are catching up with our family, Talk to God! Tell him the things that are stressing you out, and upsetting you.  Charles Spurgeon once said, “A true prayer is an inventory of needs, a catalog of necessities, an exposure of secret wounds, a revelation of hidden poverty.” Use prayer ad a time to receive from God as well. Consider some time of silence.
  2. Scriptural Start. For some, vacations can be less “scheduled” and more relaxed. So schedule some time scripture reading. For me, this time is best in the morning hopefully before the boys get up. Maybe you’re a night owl, make it work for you but, this will be well worth our time. Maybe something as little as 5 can always add more time or "small" for you could be to read a small book of the Bible. Sometimes quality is more important than quantity. If you don’t want to take your Bible can always download an app for your phone. I use Bible Gateway.
  3. Traffic “Tune In”. Most vacations involve road trips. Take some time and turn on the Christian Radio. For those who may struggle finding a Christian radio Station, or would like a break from it perhaps you would consider an audiobook or CD series. While we certainly could choose any genre, consider a Christian book. Last year we read Not a Fan by Kyle Idelman by taking turns with the physical book. This year, for our trip, I did not procrastinate and I purchased Satisfied by Jeff Manion from Barnes and Noble online on CD. There are a lot of books available in audio form. Another great way would be to purchase it from or download the app from your phone! (For those with kids, maybe something such as the Adventures in Odyssey series. We are trying this out for the first time this year).

What are some of your suggestions? What has worked for you? Leave a message in the comments. I would love to hear from you!

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Mother's Day and Father's Day

Last week, I alluded to holidays in which I must “tread lightly” and I address two additional holidays today: Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. I have preached at least one “Father’s Day” type sermon while I was interning at First Reformed in Sully IA centering on the Father in the Prodigal son, who of course represents our heavenly father and it was “God, thank you for fathers who…” I do not think that I have even preached a “Mother’s Day” sermon.  These two holidays are another occasion where we need to season things with a little pastoral salt. I must pay careful attention to additional circumstances.
Why do I feel this way? What could I be thinking? You may think, Pastor Mike, I do not see anything wrong with these types of sermons and I wish you would preach them. Well, I have a few reasons that I would like to share with you from some from personal thoughts, others from friends, family members and other pastors.
1.      Once again, our focus should always be on God. We certainly should be thankful for our mothers, fathers and those who have formed us, but to honor them over Christ is not something that we should do. I do not want to be redundant, but in lieu of last week’s blog, it seems like it is.
2.      We should be sensitive to those who are silently suffering. Miscarriage. Infertility. These words are taboo in the church despite the fact that is present in the Bible. These issues are incredibly real and cut close to the heart causing pain and anguish for many. Chances are members of our congregation are afflicted by or know someone who is afflicted by infertility. We do not always talk about it. Couples may not want everyone to hear that story and thus they keep it concealed from everyone. We may have someone mourning the loss of a parent recently or may be mourning/lamenting that “I will not be a father/mother”. This may make Mother’s/Father’s Day a really hard day for them as they may be “wishing” for something different or “lamenting” their current situation.
3.      How might someone who had broken/poor/non-existent relationships with their parents receive these sermons? I am blessed in my life to be born into a situation where my parents were married, supportive, and caring (and they still are). However, as sin and brokenness continues to alter the lives of our families, we begin to see a plethora of family situations. We have single-parent families, divorced families, re-marriages, children living in foster situations. Some of those children do not have a positive relationship with a father or a mother. There may be pain, there may be bitterness, there may be hurt. For them to hear a sermon honoring fathers may not be incredibly helpful.
For these reasons, I think we need to be careful in potentially “topic-focused” subjects on these days. The Bible certainly should be our guide in following God as parents, children, spouses, etc. and change our lives. Nevertheless, we do not need to use a specific day for it.

What are your thoughts about “Mother’s Day” and “Father’s Day” Sermons?  Please leave a comment and chime in!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

(Are we) Singing Patriotic Hymns this week?

As a pastor, one of the times where I have to tread lightly are on the times of “holidays” that do not have a strong (or really any) significance for the church.  The holidays I am thinking of but are not limited to are Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Presidents Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day, etc. Each one of these days certainly has significance and I do not want to discredit that. However, instituting patriotic hymns, can detract from the real reason that we are worshiping this Sunday (and every week) and that is because of our Triune God. When we take a look at a number of those patriotic hymns, the emphasis many times is on the beauty of America, the wonderful America and not on the wonderful God who gave us our lives and our nation. Singing these hymns for us detracts from the redemptive work of Jesus Christ whose blood purchased pardon for us. We certainly can and should pledge our allegiance to our nation, we have to remember that our allegiance should first belong to the one who deserves all of the praise and glory. Our worship is reserved for God and God alone, not our nation. As the scriptures say, “Thou shall have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3) Let our focus be on worshiping God not ourselves.
Secondly, we should be sensitive towards those around us. While this is probably more applicable for those in larger cities, we must remember that Christianity encompasses more than just the United States of America. If we were worshiping at a church in Canada, Germany or Japan and they began to sing songs about their nation being wonderful, would we perhaps cringe a little bit? A worship service should be a safe place for all. Our worship then, should reflect what God wants from us.  Revelation 7:9 says, “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages…” If we are singing songs about our nation, we may be unintentionally sending a message that God only is for the United States, which clearly is not the case.
I am thankful to God for those who have valiantly served. It is not my intent to “slight” or diminish the sacrifices that they have made. As an American and as a Christian it is my privilege and really my duty to honor those brave men, women and military families who have sacrificed so much for our freedom and safety as a nation. You may hear me say a prayer of thanksgiving on Sunday, but the day that we focus on that should be Monday not the Lord’s Day.
“Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

PS There are a number of blogs and discussions about this topic on the web, I did peruse them in preparation for the blogs. I don’t remember all of them but I thank them for their contributions to the discussion.
Some samples are here.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Image Courtesy mjimages
For many Sabbath may look like the picture above. Doing nothing.What is the Sabbath and what does it mean for us? Ideas of Sabbath could be arranged on a very diverse spectrum. Today, you might say that some of us do not really celebrate a Sabbath at all and thus there are no restrictions, while others may have been restricted to the point that they could not play outside and were only allowed to read books and attend church. Sabbath was equivalent to  Sunday and it meant there was no shopping or going out for dinner, but it was a “quiet” day with special clothes that you could not get dirty. What was your thought of Sabbath?
Two weeks ago, Krystal and I went to the RHMA Small Town Pastors Conference in Morton, Illinois. One of the seminars that we went to was led by Dr. Don and Nell Sunukjian, who serve as professors at the Talbot School of Theology. The title of the seminar was “Stamina and Joy for the Long Haul.” One of the major perspectives of their view for joy and stamina was a recovery of the Sabbath. And while it is fresh in my mind I share these ideas with you…
As Dr. Sunukijan reminds us, The Sabbath was instituted before the law in creation. Genesis 2:3-5 says, “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.” The “Law” does not appear until Exodus. God rests. God, who is omnipotent (meaning all powerful) rested. God does not require rest however he demonstrates for us a practical and important lesson. We need to rest…maybe physically but also mentally. We cannot go 7 days a week.
If God takes a rest, then we certainly should as well. It is essential for us to do that, but practically speaking, how can we do that? Well, the Biblical pattern is one day of rest with six work days. For Pastors and their families, Sunday is not a practical day to take a “Sabbath”….because they are preaching, teaching and separate for a portion of the day. A Sabbath is something for the entire family, for us to reconnect with one another.   Set a day in the week and make it the Sabbath. Don’t do your normal work meaning the work that you would do for income or your “regular work.” So stay at home moms, you should celebrate this as well…no Laundry that day! By all means as the Sunukijans suggest, feed your family, that does not keep you from familial responsibility…but rather job responsibilities. And maybe fulfill your responsibilities in a way that grows you.
On the Sabbath, it is ok “to work” doing things that will reinvigorate you…for my Father, that means he can garden….for you that might mean baking cookies for a friend or with your kids. Use the Sabbath to connect to grow and to refresh. Don’t keep on going through all 7 days. It is not God’s intention for you or for me. The Sabbath is a gift to us….unwrap it and enjoy it. Pick a day a week as a family, mark it as a Sabbath and see how it changes your outlook.

“Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

Thursday, January 8, 2015

5 Reasons Why We Avoid Evangelism

Recently our church has implemented a 1, 2, 3 evangelism challenge. Some of you may be wondering about the challenge. It is a plan that you invite one person to church in January, two people in February, and so on all the way up to 12 in December. If we follow that challenge by the end of the year, we will have invited 78 people to church. For some, this evangelism challenge will spur us on while for others it will cause us anxiety. The thought crossed my mind: why do we have trouble evangelizing or why do we avoid evangelism? Thom Rainer has written a good post about this here. One of my points is adapted from a couple of his, but I will share a few reasons of my own too. 

1.      We do not evangelize because we are afraid.
Fear is a common deterrent. We tend to avoid things that produce fear in us. Kids who fear the dark insist on having a night light. People who are afraid of flying avoid traveling in airplanes. Because we fear the act of evangelism, we simply do not share the gospel. We do not want to share the gospel because people inevitably may label us. We think, “I don’t want the stigma.” We may think of an evangelist as a televangelist or a person with a sandwich sign, or perhaps someone screaming on the street corner. Nevertheless, the reality is that people are already labeling us, by our clothes, by our actions, by our friends. We should be battling so that we are identified with our love for Christ opposed to our love for the Detroit Lions (insert any sports team, family member, rock band, hobby here).
In reality, do we have to fear? Do we fear rejection from our family and friends?  The message, the joy, and the opportunity of eternal life should far outweigh whatever consequences we might face right now. We must remember too that we are not alone. God tells us that we should not fear. Jesus’ name is Emmanuel, God with us.  God is omnipresent. He is everywhere. Let us trust him to be with us. Check out these verses if you are uncertain of God’s Presence.

2.      We exclusively “share” the gospel in our actions.
This reason certainly may connect with the first one, but I think it deserves its own category. Yes, we can and we do share the gospel with our actions.  We say that actions are more powerful than words, but oftentimes we need to use words. A man can tell his beautiful wife that he loves her through showering her with gifts, through doing a share of the housework, by watching the kids so she can spend a night with her friends. He can lovingly stare into her eyes. However, I still believe that despite all of those actions, she still wants to and needs to hear “I love you,” said.
You may ask what does that have to do with evangelism? We miss an opportunity to share the gospel if we exclusively use our actions. You say, well, I donate to charity, well unfortunately agnostics, atheists, and people from other religions donate to charities too because they think it is a good thing. You may say I donate to Christian charities, well, that is great too. Well, I volunteer at x, y and z. Once again, anyone can volunteer. While giving and service certainly are marks of a Christian life, another mark is sharing the gospel. Our actions as well as our words should proceed out of our love for Christ.

3.      We do not evangelize because we think our “story” is simply not enough. (And you are right!.)
When we go to Christian concerts or we see Christian movies we may see some type of testimony. We see a “rags to riches” type account. We tend to see or think of the extremes in testimonies and evangelism. We hear the story of the drug dealer who turns their life around or the person who completely hits rock bottom and was perhaps suicidal, or the near death experience. We then think, well my story is not that drastic or that powerful thereby assuming that we lack an incredible witness. The reality is, however, we all have the rags to riches story. Paul tells us that we were all dead in our trespasses and Christ gives us new life. Each of our stories whether we grew up in a largely Christian home or had a colorful life away from God is still valid. The story that Jesus Christ came to die for our sins is the same for you, for me, and for everyone else. It still remains the greatest ever told.
Chances are, as well that many of the people whom you may be sharing your faith with, are people who know you and love you. If they care about you, they will want to hear your story as well, and you should care enough about them to share it.
The truth is that none of our stories is enough, the Holy Spirit who is working in their hearts. Our lives and our stories are the vessels through which the Holy Spirit works.  It is not our stories bringing people to Christ rather the Holy Spirit who calls.  If we put our hope and our strength in God while evangelizing, we will be much better off.

4.      We have forgotten our role as evangelists. (Thanks Thom Rainer)
Ministry is a wonderful occupation. It is great to be able to serve a church family, to preach the gospel, to shepherd. Unfortunately, one of the unintentional consequences of having dedicated ministers is that we seem to have lost our evangelistic bearings. Church members may feel like this is the Pastor’s job. Evangelizing is what he is paid to do, right? On job descriptions, many churches put that they want to grow the church spiritually and in numbers. Therefore, they think that evangelism is the pastor’s responsibility. It is (Or at least it should be), but the responsibility also falls on the members. None of us has an exemption from the Great Commission. Jesus calls us to make disciples. Friends, we all are responsible for sharing the gospel.
5.      We take the Gospel for granted.
This is the United States of America, our paper currency says “In God We Trust” we may have opening invocations at business meetings and school functions, but the reality is, that many have not heard the gospel. They may know stories, but they may not have the full picture. We think that everyone knows the message, but this simply is not the case. We probably have neighbors who are not at church, we probably have friends that are not at church, co-workers and friends who are not at church. These individuals need the gospel just as much as we do. We cannot simply assume that everyone has the knowledge of Jesus  Christ. We should work to make sure that everyone knows the gospel.The Gospel is about transformation, changing lives; we should share that same opportunity for transformation. 

Why do you avoid sharing the Gospel? Is it one of these reasons? Would you like to share yours? Leave a comment below!

Photo Credit: mzacha