Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Saying Thank You

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him..”—Colossians 3:17 (NIV)

Gifts are wonderful things are they not?  It is fun to receive gifts and it can be more enjoyable to give a gift that you just know someone is going to love. However, does that always happen? I hope that for you it does. Chances are that we all have given/received a gift that did not go over so glowingly.  The recipient opens the gift, looks at it, and they discard it. How do we (as the giver) respond? Inside are we annoyed? Frustrated? Angry? Hurt? We may be feeling some toxic mix of some of those things even to the point of resenting purchasing that gift in the first place.  We took the time go to the store, pick that gift out, pay for  it, wrap it up or put it in a bag, and we do not get anything. Perhaps there is a hasty “thank you” before discarding the gift, but the “thanks” does little to assuage our feelings.
Have we thought about when we receive gifts from God in that way? God has given each of us a gift, and that is the gift of new life and a new day with all those blessings. I have heard it said that there are two types of people: People who say, “Good Morning, Lord” and “Good Lord, its morning!” We sometimes wake up and we are bitter over the day. “Ugh, it is raining outside!” or “Oh it is too hot/cold outside.” “Snow again!?!?!?!?” “I have so many aches and pains today.” “I wish I could just stay in bed.” Does that sound like you and me?
The gift could be something other than the day as well. It could be what we think is a poor answer to our prayer...God, I did not want you to send that person to me, I did not want x, y, or z. I wanted you to do a, b and c.  I guess even d would have been ok! I wanted the problem solved my way.  Then we become bitter and angry because God’s answer is coming in his timing, or is not what we wanted/expected.
Perhaps we should think of this in another perspective! If we are busy complaining about the gifts God gives, we are ungrateful children of God. We are the person who opens the gift, uses the gift, never says thank you and even begins to degrade the gift. We need to say, “Thank You.” God has given us more than we could ever imagine, we can and should bring him the praise and the glory.  We may at times be frustrated with what we do not understand, but God wants the best for us, and it may take some time for us to realize how God’s plan is working.
How then can we receive these gifts well?  Paul recommends that we give thanks through what we do. Let us praise God through our mouths, let us praise him through our words, and let us serve him with the time that he has given to us.  Each day in itself is a gift; let us show our gratefulness through how we use the gifts that he has given and how we live our lives.  

photo credit: Shereen M via photopin cc